
Seems there's always something to write about or have its picture taken.

My Photo
Location: Vancouver, Canada

I like to write. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not but it's kind of like cooking and travelling; the result may not be what you were hoping for but getting there was most of the fun.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Our pics of Ireland (click on any pic for the full screen version)

Our travelling companions on "Paddywagon Tours"
They were mostly Australians with a few Kiwis and another Canuck couple. Luka was the only child and became the bus mascot.

The Cliffs of Moher. Very impressive...but windy. Those people on the top of the cliff had climbed over the wall to flirt with disaster. Hope this isn't as fuzzy when it's posted, it's a lot clearer on my computer screen.

Don't we look warm n' toasty?

Every once in a while the clouds would part and give us spectacular coastline views.

...and amazing sunsets

A thousand years ago it was a castle.

So there's this ancient monastery where St Patrick
learned his trade and converted the pagans to
the much more common Catholicsm of today. It was a site for pilgrimages for centuries and now is being restored. The tombstones go back hundreds of years.

A family affair

Doing dishes
at the hostel

on Christmas morning

They say this was Queen Victoria's favourite
view in Ireland and she had a house built
across the road.

I never got tired of the Irish coastline

Our first day back in Dublin

And the next day I headed out to
Edenderry, the city from which my Irish ancestors spewed forth.

Claire and Christy, my 2 surviving cousins and still living there, just down the street from the church where my grandparents were married.

Luka's pet on the journey, his new iDog from Santa

My new motto


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