We're Off! (again)
This time it's San Sebastian via Biarritz. And it is pouring rain. I wanted the south coast, we're not sight seeing, we just want to escape Wales for a week and suck up some sun. But no, She said. "San Sebastian is on the north coast of Spain but parallel to the south coast of France. It'll be fine" Forecast: rain, rain and more rain. I checked the weather forecast for Tenarife - just for fun - sun, sun and more sun.
So an overpriced, dreary resort town it is then. Sounds like fun.
On the upside, San Sebastian is in the heart of Basque country, Spain's own homegrown terrorist central. Perhaps things will heat up...
Oh John be assured AJ & I are doing a little sun dance f0r all of you. Maybe it will clear up - stranger thing have happened. Heck it only has rained one day while we have been in Ireland - unheard of. Every day the locals speak in hushed tones about the amazing weather - as if they are afraid they might jinx it. I think maybe that prayer I said at Croagh Patrick did the trick. I should have wished for a pain free back instead. OUCH, I think I have a pinched nerve. I might need to seek out a Dr.. We are currently ensconsed in a very chi chi hotel in Dublin courtesy of the travel agent who screwed up- several of our B&B bookings. Ah four days in one place we are so happy not to move.
OK so I am going to go take a bath and while I lie there I am going to visulize warm sunny days and fragrant nights for all of you. We are using a hijacked internet signal for this but will try to SKYPE..
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