
Seems there's always something to write about or have its picture taken.

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

I like to write. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not but it's kind of like cooking and travelling; the result may not be what you were hoping for but getting there was most of the fun.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Day 3 Athens

Day 3
*click to enlarge
 From the roof deck of our hotel. I always thought Acropolis and Parthenon were the same thing. 
The Parthenon sits on the Acropolis. 
You already knew that.

Serious drama

There's not a lot of shade up there

Some things just look better in black and white. Don't know why.

It was a highly amputated society. Hard to get to old age with all limbs intact.

We practically had the place to ourselves

Bye Ladies! I'm going to Galatas.


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