
Seems there's always something to write about or have its picture taken.

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

I like to write. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not but it's kind of like cooking and travelling; the result may not be what you were hoping for but getting there was most of the fun.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Down in Dahab

John's history lesson

On a clear day you can see Saudi Arabia from here. Dahab (pronounced DAhab quickly) is starting to work its magic on me. The pace here is very slow, a kind of 60’s laid back granola thing, and I can feel myself walking slower as I amble along the promenade. Egyptian time is more elastic than elsewhere and as we have a stretch of a whole five days in one place there doesn’t seem to be the need to hurry up and do something.
Which is why I’m not writing about the trip today.
Maybe tomorrow.

They met at a dance

Best education he's received so far...

Livin' on the banks of the Nile

Why walk when you can caloche?
Photo op!

The guys loved getting their picture taken, the women'd kill you.

The paint on those birds has lasted thousands of years. I'd like to see Benjamin Moore top that!

Back to the Nile

Stuck in the past or wave of the future?

Passing on the skill set

They even mummified Crocodiles

Edfu or Komombo...don't remember


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, these are incredible pics John!! You are certainly giving Steve and I lots of inspiration to plan our next trip :) Can't wait to hear your stories and see more of your 3200 (!) pics when you get back.

Miss you guys!! *bigs hugs*,

10:21 pm  

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