
Seems there's always something to write about or have its picture taken.

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

I like to write. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not but it's kind of like cooking and travelling; the result may not be what you were hoping for but getting there was most of the fun.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sports Day

You know the school year is done when it's time for sports day. I've a ton of memories to share on that but not today. Today I'm just posting some video of Luka and another of a friend's child. I'm not up to speed on how to easily send it as an email or something (Yahoo won't accept anything over 10MB) so I'm posting here instead. Enjoy!

Well, I've never posted video before so it was a little more challenging than I'd anticipated. Initially I sorted the clip into its own movie in iMovie and chose it in the 'browse' feature to upload but that ran for several hours and... nothing. So then I dragged the clip onto the desktop and found it with the browse and, son-of-a-gun, it loaded.



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