
Seems there's always something to write about or have its picture taken.

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Location: Vancouver, Canada

I like to write. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not but it's kind of like cooking and travelling; the result may not be what you were hoping for but getting there was most of the fun.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Is There Anybody Out There?

Hi. Glad you're here. Of course I don't actually know you're here but if a tree falls in the forest and I wasn't around to hear it, it'd still make a sound. I can't prove it any more than I can prove you're here, reading this. But you can. You can make a sound. Doesn't have to be a big sound just something that says you're here. Something like "Hi" or "Good One" or "Thanks". If you're in a typing mood give your full feedback, maybe share a similar story, but don't be a voyeur (as sexy as that sounds).

Like a faithful dog, I appreciate a scratch behind the ear now and again. It keeps me coming back. The big difference between writing here and writing in my journal is the interactive part, the part where it's not just read, but valued. And I can only feel it's valued when it's read.

So next time you drop by say "Hi".


Blogger Smalltown RN said...

Yes I am here....we also call people who view our blogs but don't leave comments as "lurkers"....apparently I get a lot of know you can get a site meter and it can tell you how many people view your blog and from's rather interesting...I haven't read your post from Tuesday so I shall go do that now....hope you had a great day!

6:05 pm  
Blogger One Fine Weasel said...


Oh, and

Yes, we're here... :)

4:46 pm  

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